Chiropractic treatment is a non-surgical treatment which alleviates lower back pain and helps the spine to better mobility.
Lower back pain is a common musculo-skeletal condition. These dull aches or pains are often caused by poor posture, incorrect lifting techniques or an awkward movement, such as an uncomfortable twist.
Chiropractic treatment can be included as a non-surgical treatment for lower back pain. According to the NHS and other studies, there is good evidence that manual therapies used in chiropractic treatment are an effective treatment for persistent lower back pain.
Chiropractors treat conditions such as lower back pain and neck pain by focusing on spinal manipulation and treating the body’s surrounding structures. Chiropractic treatment can also help patients with the long-term management of a non-specific lower back pain condition.
After initial intensive manipulative therapy to treat the problem, chiropractors can also use maintenance spinal manipulation to help keep the patient comfortable and pain free.
Read on for an outline of the core chiropractic treatments used to alleviate lower back pain.
Chiropractic treatment
The core of chiropractic treatment usually involves treatment of common lower back pain conditions through manual therapy. Lower back pain is usually treated using different kinds of manipulation.
Spinal manipulation and manual manipulation
Your chiropractor will use a type of manual manipulation known as chiropractic adjustment. A high-velocity, short lever arm thrust will be applied to the abnormal vertebra with the goal of improving functionality, reducing nerve irritability and creating a better range of motion in the back.
Chiropractic mobilisation is a low velocity manipulation. This treatment includes movement and stretching of the muscles and joints and the goal is to increase the range of motion within those areas.