Sports Massage in Canary Wharf & City of London

Expert Massage Therapy in London

Massage in Canary Wharf, Marylebone, Monument, Clapham
Massage Therapy

London Massage Clinics

Indulge in the ultimate relaxation experience with a sports and deep tissue massage at our clinics in Canary Wharf & Monument.

The Massage Treatments We Provide

London Wellness Centres are able to offer all types of massage. So, there is no need to seek a specific sports chiropractor, London Wellness Centre are experienced in all types of chiropractic medicine. We can treat many conditions with massage and offer all our clients:
Massage therapy for sciatica pain

  • Deep tissue back massage
  • Massage for trapped nerves
  • Massage to alleviate migraine pain

What Causes Muscle Pain?

There are many ways to injure your muscles: moving at speed during sport or exercise, manual work or lifting and carrying at home, poor posture and other lifestyle habits can all contribute to muscles becoming ‘tonic’ (having too much tone or tension).
Deep Tissue Massage

How Deep Tissue Massage Helps

Deep tissue massage provides a temporary resolution. By stimulating additional blood flow, the body is better able to heal injuries and deal with inflammation. However, there will usually be an underlying injury which is causing this inflammation and pain in the first place and, in these cases, the best treatment is a combination of massage and other manual techniques, such as Chiropractic.

Deep tissue massage works through many layers of soft tissue in order to help with the rehabilitation of injuries. It is used to relieve muscle tension or restricted movement of joints and muscles. Also known as Sports Massage, it breaks down knotted and tense muscle fibres by stimulating the blood flow to regenerate the muscle tissue by flushing toxins away.

The benefits of main deep tissue massage are that it can treat larger areas, for example a deep tissue back massage will deal with aches and pains in the lower, middle and upper back. Massage for trapped nerves will often provide immediate pain relief as it is very effective at relaxing muscles and releasing inflammation. You may then need to see a Chiropractor of course, because trapped nerves often indicate a more complex issue.


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